The Feast of the Epiphany
January 6, 2000
C 7:30 p.m.Lutheran Book of Worship, page 142ff
Pre-service Music
How Brightly Shines the Morning-Star@-- Dietrich Buxtehude & Paul ManzService of Light
The people stand for the Service of Light and join in singing the responses.
L: The people who walked in darkness have seen | a great light.
P: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not over|come it.
C: Those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness, on them | has light shined.
P: We have beheld Christ=s glory, glory as of the only Son from the | Father.
L: For to us a child is born, to us a | Son is given.
P: In him was life, and the life was the light of all | people.
Phos hilaron - O Gracious Light
Thanksgiving -- page 144
After the Thanksgiving, the people sit.
Psalm 141 ALet my prayer rise before you..@
Psalm Prayer
Psalm 72 AEvery Nation on Earth@
Psalm Prayer
Office Hymn AWhat Star Is This? Puer Nobis
1. What star is this with beams so bright
More lovely than the noon-day light?
>Tis sent to-announce a newborn king,
Glad tidings of our God to bring.
2. >Tis now fulfilled what God decreed,
AFrom Jacob shall a star procede@;
And lo! The eastern sages stand,
To read in heav=n the Lord=s command.
3. O Jesus, while the star of grace
Impels us on to seek your face,
Let not our slothful hearts refuse
The guidance of your light to use.
4. To God Creator, heav=nly light,
To Christ, revealed in earthly night,
To God the Spirit blest we raise
An endless song of thankful praise.
First Lesson Isaiah 60:1-6
There is silence, then:
Procession of the Magi AThe Three Kings@ -- Peter Cornelius
Anthem: AStar Bright@ -- Michael Bedford
Second Lesson Matthew 2:1-12
Anthem: AThe Only Son from Heaven@ -- J. S. Bach
There is silence, then:
L: In many and various ways God spoke to his people of old by the prophets.
C: But now in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.
The Annunciation -- Marty Haugen
An angel went from God to a town called Nazareth to a woman whose name was Mary. The angel said to her ARejoice, O highly favoured, for God is with you. You shall bear a child, and his name shall be Jesus, the Chosen One of God Most High.@ And Mary said, AI am the servant of my God, I live to do your will.@ [Luke 1:26-28, 30-32, 38]
Gospel Canticle AMy soul proclaims your greatness....@ -- Marty Haugen
The people stand and join in singing the canticle as printed on the insert. After the canticle the people remain standing for the Litany which is sung to the harmony form.
Litany & Lord=s Prayer -- page 148-152
Voluntary AWhat Child Is This?@ -- Raymond Herbeck
Prayers & Benediction
Hymn AThe First Noel@ -- LBW 56
Postlude AHow Brightly Shines the Morning-Star@ C Jan Bender