
Lenten Troparia at the hours

First Hour

Tone 6

Hearken to the sound of my cry//
My king and my God.

Verse:give ear to my words, O Lord; give heed to my groaning.

Verse:for to you do I pray.

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

Tone 6

With our whole heart,
Let us ever magnify the glorious mother of God,
Who is holier than the angels,
Confessing her to be the Theotokos,
Who brought forth God incarnate,
And who ever prays for our souls.

Wednesday & Friday.

Tone 6

Come quickly, Christ our God,
And prevent our captivity by the enemy
Who blasphemes you and hinders us.
Overcome, by the strength of your cross
Those who fight against us,
That they may know the power of the faith of Orthodox believers.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos,
Have mercy on us, only lover of mankind!


Lenten Troparia at the hours

Third Hour

Tone 6

Lord, you sent down your most Holy Spirit
Upon your apostles at the Third Hour;
Take him not from us, O good one,
But renew him in us who pray to you.

Verse:create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new
and right spirit within me.

Verse:cast me not away from your presence, and take not your
Holy Spirit from me.

Tone 8

Blessed are you, O Christ our God:
You have revealed the fishermen as most wise
By sending down upon them the Holy Spirit;
Through them you drew the world into your net.
Lover of mankind, glory to you!

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Grant swift and steadfast consolation to your servants, Lord Jesus Christ
When our spirit is downcast within us.
Do not depart from our souls in affliction,
Do not be far from our thoughts in time of trouble,
But always defend us.
Draw near to us, for you are present everywhere.
As you are ever with your apostles,
So also, bountiful one, unite yourself to those who long for you,
That with one accord we may sing praise to you//
And to your most Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Sovereign lady, you are the hope and refuge of Christians,
The unassailable wall, and the haven untouched by storms.
Most pure Theotokos,
As you save the world by your unceasing intercessions,
So call us also to remembrance,
Virgin, worthy of all praise


Lenten Troparia at the hours

Sixth Hour

Tone 2

Christ God, on the sixth day and hour,
You nailed to the cross the sin which rebellious adam committed in
Tear asunder also the bond of our iniquities, and save us!

Verse:hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my

Verse:but I call upon God, and the Lord will save me.

Tone 2

You have wrought salvation
In the midst of the earth, O Christ God.
You stretched out your all-pure hands upon the cross;
You gathered together all the nations//
Who cry aloud to you: glory to you, O Lord.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

We venerate your most pure image, good one,
And ask forgiveness of our transgressions, Christ our God.
Of your good will you were pleased to ascend the cross in the flesh
And deliver your creatures from bondage to the enemy.
Therefore with thankfulness we cry aloud to you:
You have filled all with joy, our savior,
For you came to save the world!

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday:

Grant us your mercy, Theotokos,
Fount of tender compassion.
Look upon the people who have sinned,
And manifest, as always, your power.
For trusting in you, we cry out as once did Gabriel, chief of the bodiless
Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you!

Wednesday & Friday:

You are exceedingly blessed, virgin Theotokos,
And we sing your praise;
For by the cross of your Son hell was overthrown and death was slain.
We who were dead have risen,
We have mercifully been made worthy of life
And have received paradise, our former delight.
Therefore with thanksgiving we magnify Christ our God,
For he is mighty and loves mankind.


Lenten Troparia at the hours

Ninth Hour

Tone 8
Christ God, at the Ninth Hour
You tasted death in the flesh for our sake:
Mortify the rebellion of our flesh, and save us!

Verse:let my cry come before you, Lord; give me
understanding according to your word.

Verse:let my supplication come before you; deliver me
according to your word.

Tone 8

When the thief beheld the author of life hanging upon the cross, he cried
If you were not the incarnate God crucified here with us,
Then the sun would not have hid its rays,
Neither would the earth have shaken with trembling.
But as you suffer for all mankind, remember me, O Lord,
When you come in your kingdom.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

In the midst of two thieves, your cross was revealed as the balance-beam
of righteousness;
For while the one was led down to hell by the burden of his blaspheming,
The other was lightened of his sins unto the knowledge of things divine.
Christ our God, glory to you!

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

When she who bore you, beheld you
The lamb and shepherd and savior of the world, hanging upon the cross,
She cried out weeping:
Though the world rejoices in its redemption,
My being burns as I behold your crucifixion,
Which you suffer for all mankind, my Son and my God.


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