Great and Holy Friday

(after the reading of the first Gospel)

Antiphon I

Tone 8

The rulers of the people have assembled
Against the Lord and his Christ.

A lawless charge is hurled against me.
Lord, O Lord, forsake me not.

Let us offer our pure senses to Christ.
As his friends let us sacrifice our lives for his sake.
Let us not be weighed down by earthly cares like Judas,
But let us cry in the hidden chambers of our heart:
Our Father in heaven, deliver us from evil.

Glory...Now and ever...

As a Virgin you gave birth without knowing wedlock
And remained a Virgin, O unwedded mother.
O Mary Theotokos,
Pray unto Christ our God to save us.

Antiphon II

Tone 6

Judas hastened to the lawless scribes and said,
What will you give me to betray him to you?
Yet while they conspired against you,
You invisibly stood in their midst.
Spare our souls, as you know the hearts of men.

Let us serve God in acts of compassion
Like Mary at the supper.
Let us not be possessed by avarice like Judas,
So that we may always abide with Christ our God.

Glory...Now and ever...

Never cease to pray to the lover of mankind,
Who was ineffably born of you, Virgin,
That he may save from dangers
Those who take refuge in you.

Antiphon III

Tone 2

Because of the raising of Lazarus,
Lord and lover of mankind,
The Hebrew children cried Hosanna! to you,
But Judas the transgressor was unwilling to understand.

At your supper, O Christ God,
You announced to your disciples:
One of you will betray me.
But Judas the transgressor was unwilling to understand.

When John asked you, Lord,
Who is it that betrays you?
You revealed who it was by means of the morsel of bread,
But Judas the transgressor was unwilling to understand.

For thirty pieces of silver
And a treacherous kiss, O Lord,
The Jews sought to kill you,
But Judas the transgressor was unwilling to understand.

At the washing of their feet, O Christ God,
You commanded your disciples:
Do as you have seen me do.
But Judas the transgressor was unwilling to understand.

Keep watch and pray,
Lest you be tempted!
You said to your disciples, O our God,
But Judas the transgressor was unwilling to understand.

Glory...Now and ever...

Preserve your servants from dangers,
For after God we all take refuge in you
As an invincible bulwark and protector.

Little Litany

Sessional hymn
Tone 7

When you were feeding your disciples at the supper,
You knew Judas' intention to betray you,
And you accused him of this,
Though recognizing him to be beyond correction.
For you desired all to know that you were willingly betrayed
To snatch the world from the grasp of the enemy.

O long-suffering Lord, Glory to you!

(after the reading of the second Gospel)

Antiphon IV

Tone 5

Today Judas forsakes the Master
And takes the devil as his friend.
He is blinded by the passion of avarice.
Darkened, he falls from the light.
He sold the sun for thirty pieces of silver.
How then, is he able to see?
But he who suffers for the world has risen as the dawn for us!
To him let us cry aloud:
You suffer for us and with us: Glory to you!

Today Judas counterfeits piety
And deprives himself of the gift of grace.
The disciple becomes a betrayer.
In a gesture of friendship he conceals deceit.
He foolishly prefers thirty pieces of silver to the Master's love
And becomes a guide for the lawless assembly.
But let us glorify Christ, our salvation!

As brothers in Christ let us acquire brotherly love.
Let us not lack sympathy for our neighbor.
Lest we, like the unmerciful servant
Be condemned on account of money,
Or like Judas, gain nothing from our regrets.

Glory...Now and ever...

Everywhere glorious things are spoken of you,
O Mary Theotokos, unwedded and all-praised,
For you conceived in the flesh the maker of all

Antiphon V

Tone 6

The disciple agrees upon the price of the master.
He sells the Lord for thirty pieces of silver.
With a treacherous kiss he betrays him
To death at the hands of lawless men.

Today the creator of heaven and earth
Says to his disciples:
The hour has come and Judas rushes to betray me.
Let no one deny me when he sees me on the cross between two thieves.
For as a man I suffer,
And as the lover of mankind I save those who believe in me.

Glory...Now and ever...

Virgin, who in the latter days
Wondrously conceived and bore your own creator,
Save those who magnify you.

Antiphon VI

Tone 7

Today Judas looks for a way to betray the Lord,
The Savior of the world before the ages,
Who satisfied the multitude with five loaves.
Today the transgressor denies the teacher.
Though a disciple, he betrays the Master.
He sells for silver him who fed man with manna in the wilderness.

Today his people nail to the cross
The Lord who divided the sea with a rod and led them in the wilderness.
Today they pierce his side with a spear
Who smote Egypt with plagues for their sake.
They give him gall to drink who rained down manna upon them for food.

When you came to your voluntary passion, Lord,
You cried to your disciples:
If you lack the strength to keep watch with me for a single hour,
Why did you promise to die for me?
See how Judas does not sleep
But hastens to betray me to the transgressors.
Arise and pray, lest anyone deny me
When he sees me on the cross.

O long suffering one, Glory to you!

Glory...Now and ever...

Rejoice, Theotokos,
You held in your womb him whom the heavens cannot hold.
Rejoice, Virgin whom the prophets proclaimed,
From you Emmanuel has shone forth on us.
Rejoice, mother of Christ our God!

Little Litany

Sessional hymn
Tone 7

What caused you to betray the Savior, O Judas?
Did he expel you from the ranks of the apostles?
Did he take from you the gift of healing?
Did he send you from the table while taking supper with the others?
Did he wash their feet and pass you by?
How have you forgotten such good things?
Your ingratitude is notorious,
But his boundless long-suffering and great mercy are proclaimed to all!

(after the reading of the third Gospel)

Antiphon VII

Tone 8

While permitting transgressors to arrest you,
You cried out to them, O Lord:
Though you smite the shepherd and scatter the twelve sheep, my disciples,
I am able to surround myself with more than thirty legions of angels.
But I forebear
So that the secret and hidden things might be fulfilled
Which were revealed to you by my prophets.
O Lord, Glory to you!

Denying you for the third time,
Peter at once recalled your words to him,
But he offered you tears of repentance:
O God, have mercy on me and save me!

Glory...Now and ever...

Let us praise the holy Virgin,
As the gate of salvation and fair paradise,
As a cloud for the eternal light.
To her, let us all say: Rejoice!

Antiphon VIII

Tone 2

O transgressors,
What have you heard from our Savior?
Did he not explain the law and the teachings of the prophets?
Why then did you plan to deliver to Pilate
The Word, God of God, the redeemer of our souls?

Let him be crucified!
Cried those who had always enjoyed his gracious gifts.
Those who killed the righteous
Ask to receive a malefactor instead of their benefactor.
But you, O Christ, endured their heedlessness in silence,
Desiring to suffer and to save us in your love for mankind.

Glory...Now and ever...

We have no boldness
Because of the multitude of our sins,
But entreat him who was born of you, Virgin Theotokos,
For the prayer of a mother has great power to win the favor of the master.
Do not despise the supplications of sinners, all-pure one,
For he who willed to suffer for us is merciful and strong to save!

Antiphon IX

Tone 3

They weighed out the thirty pieces of silver,
The price of him on whom a price had been set by the Sons of israel.
Keep watch and pray
That you may not enter into temptation.
The spirit indeed is willing,
But the flesh is weak, therefore keep watch.

They gave me gall for food,
For my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
But Lord, raise me up that I may requite them,

Glory...Now and ever...

We the gentiles praise you,
Pure Theotokos,
For you gave birth to Christ our God,
Who through you freed mankind from the curse.

Little Litany

Sessional hymn
Tone 8

How could Judas, who was once your disciple, plan to betray you?
That treacherous and unrighteous man deceitfully ate with you
And went to the priests and said: what will you give me if I deliver to you
The one who abolished the law and profaned the Sabbath?
O long-suffering Lord, Glory to you!

(after the reading of the fourth Gospel)

Antiphon X

Tone 6

He who clothes himself with light as with a garment
Stood naked for trial.
He was struck on the cheek by hands that he himself had formed.
A people that transgressed the law
Nailed the Lord of Glory to the cross.
Then the curtain of the temple was torn in two.
Then the sun was darkened,
Unable to bear the sight of God outraged,
Before whom all things tremble.
Let us worship him.

The disciple denied him
But the thief cried out:
Remember me, Lord, in your kingdom!

Glory...Now and ever...

Lord, who for your servants' sake
Willed to take flesh from the Virgin,
Grant peace to the world,
That with one voice we may glorify you, the lover of mankind.

Antiphon XI

Tone 6

In exchange for the good things that you had done for them,
A transgressing people condemned you to be crucified, O Christ,
And gave you gall and vinegar to drink.
But reward them according to their deeds, O Lord,
For they did not understand your condescension.

Not content to deliver you up, O Christ,
A transgressing people wagged their heads,
Bringing you mockery and derision.
But reward them according to their deeds, O Lord,
For they plotted against you in vain.

Neither the shaking of the earth nor the splitting of the rocks,
Neither the tearing of the temple's curtain nor the resurrection o
Convinced a transgressing people.
But reward them according to their deeds, O Lord,
For they plotted against you in vain.

Glory...Now and ever...

We know that God took flesh from you,
Virgin Theotokos,
The only pure and only blessed one.
Therefore without ceasing we praise and magnify you.

Antiphon XII

Tone 8

Thus says the Lord to the Jews:
My people, what have I done to you,
Or how have I offended you?
To your blind, I gave sight, your lepers I cleansed,
The paralytic I raised from his bed.
My people, what have I done to you,
And how have you repaid me?
Instead of manna, gall; instead of water, vinegar;
Instead of loving me, you nail me to the cross.
I can bear no more.
I shall call the Gentiles mine.
They will glorify me with the Father and the Spirit,
And I shall give them life eternal.

Today the curtain of the temple is torn in two
To convict the transgressors,
And even the sun hides his rays,
Seeing the Master crucified.

The choir of the apostles cries out to you,
O lawgivers of Israel, Scribes and Pharisees:
Behold the temple which you destroyed!
Behold the Lamb whom you crucified!
You delivered him to the tomb, but by his own power he arose.
Do not be deceived, O Jews.
He it is that saved you in the sea and fed you in the wilderness.
He is the life, the light and the peace of the world.

Glory...Now and ever...

Rejoice, gate of the king of glory,
Through which the most high alone has entered and again left sealed
For the salvation of our souls.

Little Litany

Sessional hymn
Tone 8

O God, you stood before Caiaphas.
Judge, you were given over to Pilate.
Then the heavenly powers shook with fear,
Though sinless, you were numbered among the transgressors,
Lifted up on the wood between two thieves in order to save mankind.
O patient Lord, Glory to you!

(after the reading of the fifth Gospel)

Antiphon XIII

Tone 6

The crowd of the Jews, Lord,
Asked Pilate to crucify you,
And though they found no guilt in you,
They freed Barabbas, who indeed was guilty;
They condemned you, the righteous one,
And made the charge of murder their inheritance.
But give them their retribution , O Lord,
For they plotted against you in vain.

To Christ, the wisdom and power of God,
Who makes all things fear and tremble,
Whom all tongues praise,
The priests gave gall and slapped.
Yet he consented to suffer all things,
Desiring to save us from our transgressions by his blood,
For he loves mankind.

Glory...Now and ever...

Who by a word beyond all words
Have borne your own creator,
Entreat him to save our souls.

Antiphon XIV

Tone 8

The thief, whose hands were defiled with blood,
You accepted as your fellow-traveler.
With him number us also, O Lord,
For you are good and the lover of mankind.

The thief on the cross uttered a small cry,
But he found great faith.
In a moment he was saved
And became the first to enter paradise
When its gates were opened.
O Lord, who accepted his repentance, Glory to you!

Glory...Now and ever...

Rejoice, for through an angel you received the joy of the world!
Rejoice, for you have borne your creator and Lord!
Rejoice, for you were found worthy to become the mother of Christ our God!

Antiphon XV

Tone 6

Today he who hung the earth upon the waters is hung on the tree.
The king of the angels is decked with a crown of thorns.
He who wraps the heavens in clouds is wrapped in the purple of mockery.
He who freed Adam in the Jordan is slapped on the face.
The bridegroom of the church is affixed to the cross with nails.
The Son of the Virgin is pierced by a spear.
We worship your passion, O Christ.
We worship your passion, O Christ.
We worship your passion, O Christ.
Show us also your glorious resurrection.

Let us not keep the feast like the Jews,
For our Passover, Christ God, has been slain for us.
But let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement
And with sincerity let us entreat him:
Arise, O Lord, and save us, for you are the lover of mankind!

Your cross, O Lord,
Is life and resurrection for your people.
Trusting in it, we praise you, our crucified God.
Have mercy on us.

Glory...Now and ever...

When she who conceived you, O Christ,
Saw you hanging on the cross, she cried out:
What strange mystery do I behold, O my Son?
O giver of life, how do you die,
Nailed on the wood in the flesh?

Little Litany

Sessional hymn
Tone 4

By your precious blood
You have redeemed us from the curse of the law.
By being nailed to the cross and pierced by a spear
You have poured forth immortality for man.
O our Savior, Glory to you!

(after the reading of the sixth Gospel)

The Beatitudes

In your kingdom remember us, O Lord, when you come in your kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Through a tree Adam lost his home in paradise, but through the tree of the cross the thief came there to dwell. By tasting of the fruit, the first broke the creator's commandment, but he who was crucified with you confessed you, the hidden God. Remember us also, Savior, in your Kingdom!

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Lawless men bought the creator of the law from a disciple and brought him before the judgment seat of Pilate as a transgressor. Though he had given them manna in the wilderness, they cried out: crucify him! But we, imitating the righteous thief, cry out in faith: remember us also, Savior, in your kingdom!

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

The swarm of those who would kill God, the lawless nation of the Jews, Cried out in fury to Pilate: crucify him! -- Christ, the innocent one. And they sought instead the release of Barabbas. But with the wise Thief we lift up our voices: remember us also, Savior, in your Kingdom!

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

From your life-bearing side, O Christ, a fountain flows forth as from Eden, giving drink to your church as to a living paradise. From there it divided to become the four rivers of the Gospels, watering the world, gladdening creation and teaching the nations to worship your kingdom in faith.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons of God.

You were crucified for my sake, in order to pour forth forgiveness for me. Your side was pierced so that streams of life might flow for me. Your hands were transfixed by nails so that, convinced of the height of your power by the depth of your sufferings, I might cry out to you, O Christ, giver of life: Glory to your cross and to your passion, O Savior!

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for Theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

When it beheld you crucified, O Christ, all creation trembled. The foundations of the earth shook for fear of your might. The lights of heaven hid themselves and the curtain of the temple was torn in two. the mountains quaked and the rocks were split and with us the believing thief cried out to you, savior: remember me in your kingdom!

Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.

On the cross you destroyed the legal bond against us, O Lord. You were reckoned with the dead, and there you bound the tyrant, delivering all from the bonds of death by your resurrection. By it we have been illumined, Lord and lover of mankind, and we cry out to you: Remember us also, Savior, in your kingdom!

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.

You were lifted up upon the cross, O Lord. You destroyed the power of death and as God you cancelled the legal bond against us. Grant the repentance of the thief also to us who worship you in faith, only lover of mankind, and who cry out to you, O Christ our God: remember us also, Savior, in your kingdom!

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us, the faithful, all pray that with one voice we may worthily glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: one God existing in three Persons yet remaining unconfused, simple, undivided and unapproachable; by whom we escape the flames of punishment.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

We offer to you as an intercessor, O Christ, your mother who bore you in the flesh without seed, the true Virgin who after giving birth remained incorrupt. Through her intercessions, most merciful master, grant forgiveness of sins to us who cry unceasingly: remember us also, Savior in your kingdom!

The Little Litany

Tone 4

They divide my garments among them * and for my raiment they cast lots.
Verse: My God, my God, look upon me! Why have you forsaken me?

- The Seventh Gospel -

Psalm 50 (51)

The Canon

Canticle five:

Irmos: Early will I seek you, Word of God...

Glory to you, our God, Glory to you!

With their feet washed, and themselves purified
By their participation in the divine mystery,
Your servants, O Christ
Now ascend from Zion to the great Mount of Olives,
Praising you, the lover of mankind.

You said: See that you are not alarmed, O friends.
For the hour is now at hand
For me to be seized and slain at the hands of lawless men.
All of you will be scattered, forsaking me.
But I shall gather you to proclaim me, who loved mankind.

Katavasia: Early will I seek you, Word of God...


Beholding her own lamb led to the slaughter, Mary followed with the other women, in distress and crying out: where do you go, my child? Why do you run so swift a course? Surely there is not another wedding in Cana to which you now hasten to change water into wine? Shall I come with you, my child, or shall I wait for you? Give me a word, for you are the Word. Do not pass me by in silence, for you kept me pure.

Canticle eight:

Irmos: The Godly youths exposed a monument...

Glory to you, our God, Glory to you!

My disciples, now shake off sleep from your eyelids, said Christ.
Keep watch in prayer, that you may not fall into temptation;
And I speak particularly to Simon,
Since the test is greatest for the strongest.
Peter, acknowledge me, whom all creation blesses and glorifies throughout all ages.

O Master, a profane word
Shall never pass my lips! Cried Peter.
Even if all deny you,
I shall die with you as a loyal friend.
For not flesh and blood, but your Father has revealed to me you
Whom all creation blesses and glorifies throughout all ages.

Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Lord!

You have not sought out the depth of divine wisdom and knowledge, said the Lord.
You have not comprehended the abyss of my judgments, O man.
Do not boast, for you are flesh,
And three times will you deny me,
Whom all creation blesses and glorifies throughout all ages.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

You will deny your convictions
As soon as the question is put to you, O Simon Peter,
And the sudden approach of a servant girl will terrify you, said the Lord.
But after weeping bitterly
You will have great mercy from me,
Whom all creation blesses and glorifies throughout all ages.

We praise, bless and worship the Lord, singing and exalting him throughout all ages!

Katavasia: The Godly youths exposed a monument...

Canticle nine:

Irmos: More honorable than the Cherubim...

Glory to you, our God, Glory to you!

A destructive band of God-forsaken,
Wicked murderers of God,
The synagogue attacked you, O Christ,
And dragged you away as an evil-doer --
The creator of all, whom we magnify.

Impious men, ignorant of the law
And hearing the voice of the prophets to no avail,
Dragged you away as a sheep to be unjustly slaughtered --
The Master of all, whom we magnify.

The priests and scribes caused the life
That had been betrayed to the Gentiles to be destroyed,
Striking in their jealous wickedness him who by nature
Is the giver of life, whom we magnify.

Like a pack of dogs they surrounded you, O king,
Smiting you on the cheek with their hands.
They questioned you and bore false witness against you,
Yet by enduring all things, you have saved all.

Katavasia: More honorable than the cherubim...

No Little Litany. At once:

Hymn of Light

After the 10th Gospel

Reader: To you, O Lord our God belongs glory, and to you we send up glory: to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


The Lesser Doxology

After the 11th Gospel:

Tone 1

All creation was changed by fear
When it saw you hanging upon the cross, O Christ.
The sun was darkened
And the foundations of the earth were shaken.
All things suffered with the creator of all.
Lord, you willingly endured this for us: Glory to you!

Verse: They divide my garments among them, and for my raiment, they cast lots.

Tone 2

An impious and transgressing people --
Why do they imagine vain things?
Why do they condemn to death the life of all?
O great wonder!
The creator of the world is betrayed into the hands of lawless men.
He who loves mankind is lifted up upon the wood,
That he might free those bound in hell, who cry:
Long-suffering Lord, Glory to you!

Verse: They gave me gall for food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

Today the blameless Virgin
Saw you suspended upon the cross, O Word.
She mourned within herself and was sorely pierced in her heart.
She groaned in agony from the depth of her soul.
Exhausted from tearing her hair and cheeks and beating her breast,
She cried out lamenting:
Woe is me, my divine child!
Woe is me, light of the world!
Why have you departed from my eyes, lamb of God?
Then the bodiless hosts were seized with trembling and cried:
Incomprehensible Lord, Glory to you!

Verse: God is our king before the ages: he has wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.

When she who bore you without seed
Saw you suspended upon the tree,
Christ, the creator and God of all,
She cried bitterly: where is the beauty of your countenance, my Son?
I cannot bear to see you unjustly crucified.
Hasten and arise,
That I too may see your resurrection from the dead on the third day!


Tone 8

When you ascended the cross, O Lord,
Fear and trembling fell upon creation.
Yet you forbade the earth to swallow up those who crucified you,
And you commanded hell to send up its captives
For the regeneration of mortals.
Judge of the living and the dead,
You have come to grant life, not death.
Lover of mankind, Glory to you!

Now and ever...

Now the unjust judges dip the pen of judgment.
Jesus is tried and sentenced to the cross.
All creation suffers as it beholds the Lord on the cross.
Good Lord, in your human nature you suffered for me: Glory to you

- The Twelfth Gospel -

Reader: It is good to give thanks...

Holy God...


Tone 4

By your precious blood,
You have redeemed us from the curse of the law.
By being nailed to the cross and pierced by a spear,
You have poured forth immortality for man.
O our Savior, Glory to you!

Great and Holy Friday
The Royal Hours

Troparion of the First Hour
Tone 1

The tyrant has been destroyed by your crucifixion, O Christ.
The power of the enemy has been trampled down.
For not an angel, nor a man,
But you yourself have saved us: Lord, Glory to you!

Troparion of the Third Hour
Tone 6

Lord, the life of all,
The Jews delivered you over to death.
You led them through the red sea by moses' rod,
Yet they handed you over to be crucified.
You fed them with honey from the rock,
And they repaid you with gall and vinegar.
But you willingly endured these things to free us from bondage to the enemy.
O Christ God, Glory to you!

Troparion of the Sixth Hour
Tone 2

You have wrought salvation
In the midst of the earth, O Christ God.
You stretched out your all-pure hands upon the cross;
You have gathered together all the nations,
Who cry aloud to you: Glory to you, O Lord!

Great and Holy Friday
The Royal Hours

The First Hour
(Psalms 5, 2 and 22)

Troparion of the First Hour
Tone 1

The tyrant has been destroyed by your crucifixion, O Christ.
The power of the enemy has been trampled down.
For not an angel, nor a man,
But you yourself have saved us: Lord, Glory to you!

Verses of the Prophecy
Tone 8

Today the curtain of the temple is torn in two
To convict the transgressors,
And even the sun hides its rays,
Seeing the master crucified.

Verse: Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?

You were led as a sheep to the slaughter, Christ our king,
And as an innocent lamb
You were nailed to the cross by transgressors,
Because of our sins, lover of mankind.

Verse: The kings of the earth stand up, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his anointed!

You were led...


While permitting transgressors to arrest you,
You cried out to them, O Lord:
Though you smite the shepherd and scatter the twelve sheep, my disciples,
I am able to surround myself with more than thirty legions of angels,
But I forebear,
So that the secret and hidden things might be fulfilled
Which were revealed to you by my prophets.
O Lord, Glory to you!

Now and ever...

While permitting...

Prokeimenon of the prophecy
Tone 4

His heart gathered iniquity to itself; * he went out and spoke to the multitudes.

Verse: Blessed is he who considers the poor and needy; the Lord delivers him in the day of trouble.

Reading from the Prophecy of Zechariah 11: 10-13

Reading from the Epistle to the Galatians 6: 14-18

Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew 27: 1-56

Tone 8:

Come, let us all praise Him Who was crucified for us. For Him it was Whom Mary beheld on the Tree, and said: Even though Thou endurest the cross, Thou art my Son and my God.

The Third Hour

(Psalms 35, 109 and 51)

Verses of the Prophecy
Tone 8

For fear of the Jews, O Lord,
Your friend and companion Peter denied you.
In bitter grief, he cried aloud:
Compassionate master,
Do not turn away in silence from my tears.
I said that I would keep faith, but have failed you.
Accept also our repentance and have mercy on us, O Lord!

Verse: Give ear to my words, Lord; give heed to my groaning.

Before your crucifixion, Lord,
As the soldiers were mocking you,
The angels hid their faces, unable to bear the sight,
For though you adorned the earth with flowers,
You were arrayed in a crown of thorns;
You have wrapped the heavens with clouds
But were clothed in a robe of mockery!
Yet all these things fulfilled your saving plan,
By which your compassion was revealed to us.
O Christ of great mercy, Glory to you!

Verse: Hearken to the sound of my cry, my king and my God.

Before your crucifixion...


Tone 5

When you were raised upon the cross, Lord,
You cried out to the Jews:
For what deeds do you crucify me, my people?
Is it because I made your paralytics walk?
Because I raised the dead as from sleep?
Because I healed the woman with the issue of blood,
And took pity on the woman of Canaan?
For what deeds do you seek to kill me?
You shall look upon him whom you have pierced,
Upon your Messiah, transgressors.

Now and ever...

When you were raised...

Prokeimenon of the prophecy
Tone 4

I am ready for scourging, * and my pain is ever with me.
Verse: Lord, rebuke me not in your anger, nor chasten me in your wrath!

Prophecy: Isaiah 50: 4-11; Epistle: Romans 5: 6-10; Gospel: Mark 15:16-41

Troparion of the Third Hour
Tone 6

Lord, the life of all,
The Jews delivered you over to death.
You led them through the red sea by Moses' rod,
Yet they handed you over to be crucified.
You fed them with honey from the rock,
And they repaid you with gall and vinegar.
But you willingly endured these things to free us from bondage to the enemy.
O Christ God, Glory to you!

Tone 8:

Come, let us all praise Him Who was crucified for us. For Him it was Whom Mary beheld on the Tree, and said: Even though Thou endurest the cross, Thou art my Son and my God.

The Sixth Hour

(Psalms 54, 140 and 91)

Verses of the Prophecy
Tone 8

Thus says the Lord to the Jews:
My people, what have I done to you?
Or how have I offended you?
To your blind I gave sight, your lepers I cleansed,
The paralytic I raised from his bed.
My people, what have I done to you,
And how have you repaid me?
Instead of manna, gall; instead of water, vinegar;
Instead of loving me, you nail me to the cross.
I can bear no more.
I shall call the Gentiles mine.
They will glorify me with the Father and the Spirit,
And I shall give them life eternal.

Verse: They gave me gall for food, and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

The choir of the apostles cries out to you,
Law-givers of Israel, Scribes and Pharisees;
Behold the temple which you destroyed!
Behold the Lamb whom you crucified!
You delivered him to the tomb, but by his own power he arose.
Do not be deceived, O Jews.
He it is that saved you in the sea and fed you in the wilderness.
He is the life, the light, and the peace of the world.

Verse: Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck!

The choir of the apostles...


Tone 5

Come, Christ-bearing people!
Let us see what the traitor Judas and the lawless priests
Have plotted against our Savior.
Today they made the deathless Word subject to death.
They delivered him to Pilate
And crucified him on Golgotha.
Suffering these things our Savior cried aloud and said:
Father, forgive them this sin,
That all nations may know my resurrection from the dead.

Now and ever...

Come, Christ-bearing people...

Prokeimenon of the prophecy
Tone 4

Lord, our Lord, * how wonderful is your name in all the earth!
Verse: Your majesty is exalted above the heavens.

Prophecy: Amos 8: 9-12; Epistle: Hebrews 2: 11-18; Gospel: Luke 23: 32-49

Troparion of the Sixth Hour
Tone 2

You have wrought salvation
In the midst of the earth, O Christ God.
You stretched out your all-pure hands upon the cross;
You have gathered together all the nations,
Who cry aloud to you: Glory to you, O Lord!

Tone 8

Come, let us all sing the praises of him who was crucified for us,
For Mary said when she beheld him upon the tree,
Though you endure the cross, you are my Son and my God.

The Ninth Hour

(Psalms 69, 70 and 86)

Verses of the Prophecy
Tone 7

A strange wonder it was to see the maker of heaven and earth
Suspended on the cross.
The sun was darkened and the day was changed into night.
The earth gave up the bodies of the dead from their graves.
With them we worship you: Save us, O Lord!

Verse: They divide my garments among them, and for my raiment they cast lots.

Tone 2

When transgressors nailed the King of Glory to the cross,
He cried out to them:
How have I caused you pain?
Or in what have I angered you?
Who before me delivered you from affliction?
And how have you now rewarded me?
By returning evil for good.
For the pillar of fire you nail me to the cross.
For the cloud you dig me a grave.
Instead of manna you bring me gall.
Instead of water you give me vinegar to drink.
Henceforth I shall call the Gentiles,
And they will glorify me with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Verse: They gave me gall for food, and ln my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

When transgressors...

Glory...Now and ever...

Tone 6

Today he who hung the earth upon the waters is hung on the tree.
The king of the angels is decked with a crown of thorns.
He who wraps the heavens in clouds is wrapped in the purple of mockery.
He who freed Adam in the Jordan is slapped on the face.
The bridegroom of the church is affixed to the cross with nails.
The Son of the Virgin is pierced by a spear.
We worship your passion, O Christ.
We worship your passion, O Christ.
We worship your passion, O Christ.
Show us also your glorious resurrection.

Prokeimenon of the prophecy
Tone 6

The fool says in his heart, * there is no God.
Verse: There is none that does good, no not one.

Prophecy: Jeremiah 11:18-23; 12:1-5,9,14-15; Epistle: Hebrews 10:19-31; Gospel: John 18:28-19:37

Troparion of the Ninth Hour
Tone 8

When the thief beheld the author of life hanging upon the cross, he cried out:
If you were not the incarnate God crucified here with us,
Then the sun would not have hid its rays,
Neither would the earth have shaken with trembling.
As you suffer for all men, remember me, O Lord,
When you come in your kingdom!

Tone 8

Come, let us all sing the praises of him who was crucified for us,
For Mary said when she beheld him upon the tree,
Though you endure the cross, you are my Son and my God.

Great and Holy Friday

"Lord I call..."

Tone 1

All creation was changed by fear,
Seeing you upon the cross, O Christ.
The sun was darkened and the earth shook.
All creatures suffered with their creator.
Lord, you voluntarily suffered for us: Glory to you!

Tone 2

Why do the Godless people plot in vain?
Why do they put to death the life of all?
Wonder! The creator is betrayed to lawless men!
The lover of mankind is nailed to a cross,
That he may release the prisoners of hell, who cry:
Long-suffering Lord, Glory to you!

Today the undefiled Virgin sees you suspended upon the cross, O Word.
She laments within herself and is sorely pierced in her heart.
She groans in agony from the depth of her soul.
She pulls her hair and cheeks, beating her chest and crying pitifully:
Woe is me, my divine Son!
Woe is me, light of the world, Lamb of God!
Why have you departed from before my eyes?
The bodiless hosts were seized with trembling and cried:
Incomprehensible Lord, Glory to you!

When she who bore you without seed
Saw you suspended on the tree, Christ, Creator and God of all,
She cried bitterly: Where is the beauty of your countenance?
I cannot bear to see you unjustly crucified.
Hasten and arise that I may see your three-day resurrection from the dead.

Tone 6

Today the Master of Creation stands before Pilate.
The creator is given over to die on a cross!
As a lamb he is voluntarily led to slaughter!
He is nailed, his side is pierced, his lips are moistened with gall!
The redeemer of all is struck on the cheek!
The creator of all is mocked by his own creatures!
What a great love the Master shows for men!
He prayed to his Father even for those who put him to death:
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.


How does the lawless assembly kill the King of Creation
Not remembering his gracious acts?
He even called them to remembrance, saying:
What have I done to you, my people?
Have I not worked wonders in all of Judea?
Have I not raised the dead by a word?
Have I not healed all manner of sickness?
How do you now reward me?
Why do you forget me?
For healing others, you wound me!
For raising the dead, you crucify me!
For being gracious, you call me a thief!
For giving the law, you call me lawless!
For being the King of Creation, you condemn me!
Long-suffering Lord, Glory to you.

Now and ever...

A fearful, awesome mystery is performed today!
The releaser of Adam is arrested!
The trier of hearts is unjustly tried!
The God before whom angels stand in fear stands before Pilate!
The creator is struck by the hand of the creature!
The judge of the living and the dead is judged to death on a tree!
The destroyer of hell is sealed in a tomb!
Compassionate Lord and redeemer, Glory to you!

Tone 4

They parted my garments among them, * and upon my vesture they cast lots.
Verse: O God, my God! Attend to me! Why have you forsake me?

Reading from Exodus 33: 11-23

Tone 4

Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me, * fight against those who fight against me!
Verse: Take hold of shield and buckler, and rise for my help!

Reading from Job 42: 12-17.

Reading from Isaiah 52: 13 - 54: 1

Tone 6

You have put me in the depths of the pit, + in the regions dark and deep.
Verse: Lord, the God of my salvation: I call for help by day, I cry out in the night before you!

Reading from 1 Corinthians 1: 18 - 2: 2

Tone 5

Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my soul!

Verse: My soul has waited insult and the passion

Verse: Let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see!

Reading of the Passion from the Gospels


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