
Fourth week of Lent

Tuesday Matins

(after the 2nd reading of the Psalter):

Sessional hymn
Tone 8

Illumined in our souls through abstinence,
Let us venerate the saving cross upon which Christ was nailed;
Let us cry out to it:
Rejoice, the delight and sure help of those that fast!
Rejoice, destroyer of the passions!
Rejoice, vanquisher of demons!
Rejoice, blessed wood!


Illumined in our souls through abstinence...

Now and ever...

Faithful, let us magnify the Theotokos with hymns:
The unshakeable foundation of the faith;
The precious gift granted to our souls!
Rejoice, for you held the rock of life in your womb!
Rejoice, hope of all the ends of the earth!
Rejoice, help of the afflicted!
Rejoice, unwedded bride!

(after the 3rd reading of the Psalter):

Sessional hymn
Tone 8

The whole earth venerates your cross as the life of creation,
Crying out to you, O Lord:
By the might of your cross and through abstinence,
Keep in deep peace those who praise and bless you,
Most merciful one!


The whole earth venerates your cross...

Now and ever...

Rejoice, for through the angel you received the joy of the world!
Rejoice, for you have borne your maker and Lord!
Rejoice, for you were counted worthy to become the mother of Christ our God!

Tone 8

Contemplate, my soul, the condemnation of the vainglorious Pharisee
Which came from his self-exaltation.
Understand that the humble Publican's justification
Came from his confession of sin.
Set aside the one's tendency to boast of his deeds;
Accept the other's confession, for you have sinned.
Arise and obtain from Christ indestructible nobility
Which comes from controlling the passions,
For Christ has great mercy!

Contemplate, my soul...

You bound yourselves to noble tasks, O saints,
Enduring the tortures of lawless men steadfastly,
Confessing Christ before-the kings.
After departing from life, you still act in the world,
Healing the sick of their passions.
Saints, pray that our souls may be saved!

Glory... Now and ever...

Your protection, Virgin Theotokos,
Is spiritual healing.
We flee to it and are healed of our spiritual ills!


Fourth week of Lent Tuesday
6th hour

Troparion of the prophecy
Tone 6

Before your cross
We bow down in worship, O master,
And your holy resurrection, we glorify!

Prokeimenon of the prophecy
Tone 6

Blessed is God, because he has not rejected my prayer *
or removed his mercy from me.

Verse:bless our God, you nations!

Prophecy of Isaiah 25: 1-9

Tone 6

Bless us, O God, our God * bless us, O God.

Verse:O God, be bountiful to us, and bless us!


Fourth week of Lent
Tuesday Vespers

"Lord I call..."

Tone 6

You endured the cross and passion
In the midst of the earth, merciful Lord,
Granting all men redemption and freedom from passions.
Therefore on the middle day of the fast,
We set your cross before us and venerate it with rejoicing!
Glorious with the light of divine virtues,
May we be counted worthy to see your passion and life-giving resurrection,
Only merciful word of God.

Nailed upon the cross,
Your side pierced with a spear,
You were counted as a lifeless corpse,
And given gall to drink, longsuffering master,
Who sweetened the waters of Marah by the hand of Moses!
Therefore I entreat you and pray:
Uproot the bitter passions from my understanding,
Sweeten my mind with the honey of repentance,
And grant that I may worship at your holy passion.

Tone 1

Today we see the mighty cross placed before us
Which Moses once prefigured with outstretched arms,
Putting Amalek to flight!
Peoples, let us touch it trembling, with pure minds and lips,
For Christ was raised up on it when he slew death!
May we all be counted worthy of his grace,
And praising the Savior of all with hymns inspired by God,
Let us pray that we may come to his saving resurrection!

Tone 4

Come, let us worship the life-giving cross of Christ our God,
For today it is set before us.
Death is wounded through the cross,
And the power of the resurrection newly revealed to us who have fallen.
Let us cry to our deliverer:
You suffered of your own will for our sake
To save the whole creation.
Glory to you, our God!

Your cross, O Savior,
Has been given to Christians as an invincible power;
The hosts of the enemy are put to flight through it,
And your church, O Christ, rightly confessing the true faith,
Is seen overshadowed with peace.
We kiss it, and raise our fervent cry to you:
Make us also worthy of the inheritance of your saints!

Cleansing the feelings of our souls with tears,
Making them pure through fasting,
Come, let us bow before the wood of the cross!
For through abstinence it pacifies the rebellion and destructive
impulses of the flesh.
And let us cry to him who was crucified:
Savior, make us worthy to adore the light of your resurrection on the
third day!

Glory... Now and ever...

Tone 8

Today, the Lord of glory, the master of creation
Is nailed to the cross and his side is pierced.
He who is the sweet drink of the church tastes gall and vinegar!
The one who crowned the heavens is crowned with thorns;
He is vested in a robe of mockery.
The creator of the earth is struck with human hands.
He accepts scourging, spitting and buffeting,
All for the sake of me, who stand condemned!
He is my compassionate deliverer and God,
Who saves the world from deceit!

Tone 6

Sing to God; * praise his name!

Verse:cast a highway for him who goes up to the high places!

Reading from Genesis 9: 8-17

Tone 6

Let your salvation, O God * receive me.

Verse:let the poor see and be glad!

Reading from Proverbs 12: 8-22

Tone 3

I surpass the Publican in transgressions,
But do not even compete in his repentance!
I have not accomplished the good deeds of the Pharisee,
Yet I boldly out-do his boasting!
By your infinite humility, O Christ God
Through which you laid low the high-minded demons on the cross,
Establish in me the good deeds of the one,
And the humility of mind of the other,
Confirming in me the good intentions of each,
And save me, O Savior!

I surpass...

The prophets, apostles, and martyrs of Christ
Taught us to praise the consubstantial Trinity!
Having enlightened the nations that had gone astray,
They made the sons of men companions of the angels!

Glory... Now and ever...

When creation saw you hanging naked on the cross,
Its maker and creator,
It lamented and was changed in fear:
The sun hid its rays;
The earth shook, the rocks were split,
The temple's light was darkened.
The dead arose from the tombs,
The angelic powers trembled and cried:
Wonder! The judge of all is judged!
He willingly suffers for the renewal of the world, its salvation!


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