
Fifth week of Lent
Monday Matins

(after the 2nd reading of the Psalter):

Sessional hymn
Tone 3

The most beautiful of seasons is at hand;
The much-praised day of abstinence has dawned!
Let us make haste, brethren, to be cleansed,
That we may appear in purity before our maker;
That we may share in his beauty,
At the prayers of her who bore him,
The only pure Mother of God!


The most beautiful of seasons is at hand...

Now and ever...

Gabriel marvelled at the beauty of your virginity
And the splendor of your purity!
He said to you, Theotokos:
How can I praise you as I should?
By what name shall I call you?
I am troubled and amazed!
Therefore, as I was commanded, I cry out to you:
Rejoice, full of grace!

(after the 3rd reading of the Psalter):

Sessional hymn
Tone 7

Lord, you have granted us to reach the light of the present day;
Soon we shall come to the holy week of the dread raising of Lazarus from the tomb.
Count us, your servants, worthy to walk in your fear,
And to complete the whole course of the fast.


Lord, you have granted us to reach...

Now and ever...

All-holy Virgin, you are greater in honor than the glorious Cherubim!
Unable to endure the divine splendor,
They veil their faces with their wings as they perform their ministry,
But you gaze with your own eyes upon the incarnate word!
Pray without ceasing to him for our souls.

Tone 8

I can be likened to the man who fell among thieves,
Master of all,
For I have fallen in my sins, deeply wounded by them;
But do not leave me without healing me, O Savior,
You did not come from Samaria, but from the pure Virgin.
Jesus, saving name! Have mercy on me!

I can be likened...

What shall we call you, O saints?
Cherubim, for Christ rested on you?
Or Seraphim, since you glorify him ceaselessly?
Angels, for you renounced the flesh?
Or powers, since you perform miracles?
Many are your names, and great are your gifts.
Pray that our souls may be saved!

Glory... Now and ever...

The heavenly-powers praise you
Unwedded mother, full of grace,
And we glorify your unsearchable childbearing.
Theotokos, pray that our souls may be saved!


Fifth Monday
Sixth Hour

Tone 3

Before our transgressions rise up against us
Arise, O Lord, and help us
For you are our Father
And beside you, we know no other!

Tone 4

Your altars, Lord of hosts, * my king and my God!

Verse: How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord of hosts!

Reading from Isaiah 37:33 - 38:6

Tone 8

Show us your mercy, Lord, * and grant us your salvation!

Verse: Lord, you were favorable to your land; you restored the captivity of Jacob.


Fifth week of Lent
Monday Vespers

"Lord I call..."

Tone 3 (by Joseph)

You have given us this time of the fast, Word of God,
So that we might turn and live;
So that no one would perish.
Enable us all to serve you in fervent compunction,
And to perform your will with myrrh and fervent tears,
As the wise and holy harlot, O Christ,
Received remission of her transgressions.

Like the blind man, I cry from my heart:
Enlighten the eyes of my heart, Son of God!
Like the faithful Canaanite woman, I cry to you:
Have mercy on me, bountiful one;
My soul is possessed by pleasure's demons.
When you have delivered it from the darkness of passions,
Enable me to spend the rest of my life in purity,
That I may glorify your great love.

Tone 2 (by Theodore)

The divinely-radiant grace of abstinence
Shines on us today more than the sun,
Enlightening our souls, dispelling the clouds of sinful passions.
Let us all hasten to embrace it with joy,
And with good courage persevere in the course of the fast!
Let us cry out with gladness to Christ:
Gracious one, sanctify those who faithfully fulfill the fast!

Tone 4

Teach me your way, Lord * that I may walk in your truth!

Verse: Incline your ear, Lord, and answer me!

Reading from Genesis 13: 12-18

Tone 4

The Lord loves the gates of Zion * more than all the dwelling places of Jacob!

Verse: His foundations are on the holy hills!

Reading from Proverbs 14: 27 - 15: 4

Tone 7

As the man who fell among thieves and was wounded by them,
So I have fallen in my sins, wounded in soul.
To whom can I turn and run for healing,
But to you, physician of souls and bodies.
Pour out your great mercy on me, O God!

Tone 4

We have deprived ourselves of the former joys of paradise;
We have driven ourselves to a life of dishonor by sin.
We have forsaken the former life of virtue
And instead we have fallen among thieves,
Deadened by transgressing your saving teachings!
But, Master, born of Mary,
With dispassion you shared in our passions:
We entreat you, bind up our sinful sores;
Pour out your mercy on us with your healing care,
As the lover of mankind!

As you accepted the patience of your holy martyrs,
Accept our song, lover of mankind,
Granting us by their supplications great mercy.

Glory... Now and ever...

Protect your servants from all harm
Blessed Theotokos,
So that we may glorify you, the hope of our souls!


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