
"Cheesefare Week" Tuesday Matins

(after the 2nd reading of the Psalter):

Sessional hymn Tone 8

Word of surpassing love, with the Father and the spirit,
You created all things visible and invisible in your ineffable wisdom:
Grant in your compassion that we may spend the season of the joyful fast in deep peace!
Destroy the beguilement of bitter sin;
Grant us contrition, tears of healing and forgiveness of our sins,
That fasting with a burning spirit and undoubting soul,
We may join the angels in singing praises to your power!


Word of surpassing love...

Now and ever...


You ineffably conceived the wisdom and word in your womb, mother of God.
You brought forth into the world the world's ruler!
You held in your arms him who holds all in unity,
The maker of all who sustains all things!
Therefore I glorify you in faith, most holy Virgin,
And I entreat you: when I stand before the face of my creator,
May I be delivered from my transgressions.
Grant me your aid, pure and undefiled Virgin and queen,
For you have the power to do all that you desire!

(we sing the three-canticle Canon: odes 2,8, and 9)

Tone 3

People, receive Lent with gladness!
The beginning of spiritual warfare arrives!
Forsake the indulgence of your flesh,
That the gifts of the spirit may be increased in you!
Embrace your share of suffering, soldiers of Christ!
Prove yourselves to be children of God!
The Holy Spirit will take up his abode in you,
And your souls will be filled with his light!

People, receive Lent with gladness...

The warriors of Christ, filled with mighty courage,
Despised the fear of kings and torturers.
They confessed him to be our king, our Lord and God,
And now they ceaselessly pray for our souls!

Glory to the Father... Now and ever...


Theotokos, the refuge of all who call upon you,
You are our boldness and exultation.
We place all our hope in you:
Pray to the Son whom you bore
For your profitless servants.


"Cheesefare Week" Tuesday Vespers

(at "Lord I call..." we sing the prescribed verses from the octoechos And Menaion)

Tone 1

Faithful, let us receive with joy
The divinely-inspired announcements of Lent!
Like ninevites of old, like harlots and Publicans
Who heard John preaching repentance,
Let us prepare ourselves through fasting
For the master's communion in Zion!
Let us wash ourselves with tears of purification;
Let us pray to behold the fulfillment of Pascha, the true revelation!
Let us prepare ourselves
To adore the cross and resurrection of Christ our God!
Do not deprive us of our expectation, lover of mankind!

Faithful, let us receive with joy...

How good is your trade, O saints!
You shed blood and gained heaven!
Smitten for a time, you rejoice in eternity!
Your trade is good indeed!
By forsaking corruption you inherited incorruption.
With the angels you ceaselessly praise the consubstantial Trinity!

Glory to the Father... Now and ever...


When the most pure Virgin saw her Son on the tree,
Her heart was pierced with a sword of sorrow, and she cried aloud:
How can the creator of all be lifted on the cross as one condemned
In his desire to save mankind?

(after the Lord's prayer, we sing the Lenten Troparia with
Prostrations, and follow the Lenten order of Vespers for the


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