Evening Prayer I
God, come to my assistance.
- Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
- as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever.
Amen. Alleluia.
Born of Mary, gentle virgin,
By the Spirit of the Lord;
From eternal ages spoken:
This the mighty Father's Word.
Love and truth in him shall flower,
From his strength their vigor take.
Branches that are bare shall blossom;
Joy that slept begins to wake.
Praise the everlasting Father,
and the Lord, his only Son;
Praise them with the Holy Spirit,
Perfect Trinity in One.
Melody: Stuttgart 87.87; Text: Stanbrook Abbey
Praise, O servants of the Lord,
praise the name of the Lord!
May the name of the Lord be blessed
both now and for evermore!
From the rising of the sun to its setting
praised be the name of the Lord!
High above all nations is the Lord,
above the heavens his glory.
Who is like the Lord, our God,
who has risen on high to his throne
yet stoops from the heights to look down,
to look down upon heaven and earth?
From the dust he lifts up the lowly,
from the dungheap he raises the poor
to set them in the company of princes,
yes, with the princes of his people.
To the childless wife he gives a home
and gladdens her heart with children. Glory...
Antiphon: He comes in splendor, the King who is our peace; the whole world longs to see him.
Antiphon: He sends forth his word to the earth, and his command spreads swiftly through the land.
Psalm 147:12-20
O praise the Lord, Jerusalem!
Zion praise your God!
He has strengthened the bars of your gates
he has blessed the children within you.
He established peace on your borders,
he feeds you with finest wheat.
He sends out his word to the earth
and swiftly runs his command.
He showers down snow white as wool,
he scatters hoar-frost like ashes.
He hurls down hailstones like crumbs.
The waters are frozen at his touch;
he sends forth his word and it melts them:
at the breath of his mouth the waters flow.
He makes his word known to Jacob,
to Israel his laws and decrees.
He has not dealt thus with other nations;
he has not taught them his decrees. Glory...
Antiphon: He sends forth his word to the earth, and his command spreads swiftly through the land.
Antiphon: The eternal Word, born of the Father before time began, today emptied himself for our sake and became man.
Canticle Philippians 2:6-11
Though he was in the form of God,
Jesus did not deem equality with God
something to be grasped at.
Rather, he emptied himself
and took the form of a slave,
being born in the likeness of men.
He was known to be of human estate
and it was thus that he humbled himself,
obediently accepting even death,
death on a cross!
Because of this,
God highly exalted him
and bestowed on him the name
above every other name,
So that at Jesus' name
every knee must bend
in the heavens, on the earth,
and under the earth,
and every tongue proclaim
to the glory of God the Father:
Antiphon:The eternal word, born of the Father before time began, today emptied himself for our sake and became man.
By the power of your birth, comfort those who are saved.
You came into the world heralding the new age foretold by the prophets,
- give your holy people the gift of renewal in every generation.
You once took on the weakness of our human condition,
- be light now for those who do not see, strength for the wavering and comfort for the troubled heart.
You were born into poverty and lowliness,
- look with favor on the poor and comfort them.
By your birth bring joy to all peoples with the promise of unending life,
- give joy to the dying through the hope of heavenly birth.
You came to earth to lead everyone into the Kingdom,
- share your life of glory with those who have died.
Our Father...
O God, who gladden us year by year
as we wait in hope for our redemption,
grant that, just as we joyfully welcome
your Only Begotten Son as our Redeemer,
we may also merit to face him confidently
when he comes again as our Judge.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
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