Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving
To God our creator triumphantly raise.
Who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us,
Who guideth us on to the end of our days.
God's banners are o'er us, His light goes before us,
A pillar of fire shining forth in the night.
Till shadows have vanished and darkness is banished
As forward we travel from light into Light.
His law he enforces, the stars in their courses
And sun in his orbit obediently shine;
The hills and the mountains, the rivers and fountains,
The deeps of the ocean proclaim him divine.
We too should be voicing our love and rejoicing;
With glad adoration a song let us raise
Till all things now living unite in thanksgiving:
"To God in the highest, Hosanna and praise!"
Tune: The Ash Grove, traditional Welsh Melody; Text: Anonymous; Midi: Cyberhymnal
Antiphon 1 :
I have made you the light of all nations to carry my salvation to the ends of the earth.
Psalm 72The Messiah's royal power
Opening their treasures, they offered him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)
O God, give your judgment to the king,
to a king's son your justice,
that he may judge your people in justice
and your poor in right judgment.
May the mountains bring forth peace for the people
and the hills, justice.
May he defend the poor of the people
and save the children of the needy
and crush the oppressor.
He shall endure like the sun and the moon
from age to age.
He shall descend like rain on the meadow,
like raindrops on the earth.
In his days justice shall flourish
and peace till the moon fails.
He shall rule from sea to sea,
from the Great River to earth's bounds.
Before him his enemies shall fall,
his foes lick the dust.
The kings of Tarshish and the seacoasts
shall pay him tribute.
The kings of Sheba and Seba
shall bring him gifts.
Before him all kings shall fall prostrate,
all nations shall serve him. Glory...
Antiphon 1
I have made you the light of all nations to carry my salvation to the ends of the earth.
Antiphon 2
The Lord will save the children of the poor and rescue them from slavery.
For he shall save the poor when they cry
and the needy who are helpless.
He will have pity on the weak
and save the lives of the poor.
From oppression he will rescue their lives,
to him their blood is dear.
(Long may he live,
may the gold of Sheba be given him.)
They shall pray for him without ceasing
and bless him all the day.
May corn be abundant in the land
to the peaks of the mountains.
May its fruit rustle like Lebanon;
may people flourish in the cities
like grass on the earth.
May his name be blessed for ever
and endure like the sun.
Every tribe shall be blessed in him,
all nations bless his name.
Blessed be the Lord, God of Israel,
who alone works wonders,
ever blessed his glorious name.
Let his glory fill the earth.
Amen! Amen! Glory...
Psalm Prayer: We call upon your name, Father, and pronounce it blessed
above the earth. Give your people the fullness of peace and justice in your kingdom
Antiphon 2
The Lord will save the children of the poor and rescue them from slavery.
Antiphon 3
Now the victorious reign of our God has begun.
Canticle - Revelation 11:17-18; 12:10b-12a
The judgment of God
We praise you, the Lord God Almighty,
Who is and who was.
You have assumed your great power,
You have begun your reign.
The nations have raged in anger,
But then came your day of wrath
And the moment to judge the dead:
The time to reward your servants the prophets
And the holy ones who revere you,
The great and the small alike.
Now have salvation and power come,
The reign of our God and the authority
Of his Anointed One,
For the accuser of our brothers is cast out,
Who night and day accused them before God.
They defeated him by the blood of the Lamb
And by the word of their testimony;
Love for life did not deter them from death.
So rejoice, you heavens,
And you that dwell therein! Glory...
Antiphon 3
Now the victorious reign of our God has begun.
1 John 1 5b,7 God is light,
in him there is no darkness.
If we walk in the light
as he is in the light,
then we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of his Son Jesus cleanses us from all sin.
All peoples will be blessed in him, men and women of every race.
– All peoples will be blessed in him, men and women of every race.
All nations will acclaim his glory.
– Men and women of every race.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
– All peoples will be blessed in him, men and women of every race.
MAGNIFICAT (Canticle of Mary)
Antiphon: The people of Saba shall come bringing gold, frankincense and myrrh, alleluia.
United in prayer with all of our brothers and sisters, we bless God and invoke his name:
Lord, show us your compassion.
Holy Father, we pray for those who know you only by the light of human reason,
- may they be enriched by the light of the Gospel as well.
Look with favor on all who live outside the Church as they seek liberation from the harsh constraints of human existence,
- may they discover Christ as the way, the truth and the life.
Help all who practice their faith in sincerity,
- may they attain to the marvelous light of your anointed one.
Keep pure the hearts of believers,
- may they see you more clearly at every moment.
Our Father...
O God, who through your Son raised up your eternal light for all nations,
grant that your people may come to acknowledge
the full splendor of their Redeemer,
that, bathed ever more in his radiance,
they may reach everlasting glory.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
The English translation of Psalm Responses, Alleluia Verses, Gospel Verses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL); the English translation of Antiphons, Invitatories, Responsories, Intercessions, Psalm 95, the Canticle of the Lamb, Psalm Prayers, Non-Biblical Readings from The Liturgy of the Hours © 1973, 1974, 1975, ICEL; excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.