Easter Hymns

Morning Prayer
Jesus Christ is Risen Today
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Christ the Lord is Risen Today

Daytime Prayer
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!
Hail Thee Festival Day

Evening Prayer
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
We Who Once Were Dead
Christ Jesus Lay In Death's Strong Bands
Ad Cenam Agni Providi

Office Of Readings
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
The Day of Resurrection

Morning Prayer

Jesus Christ is Risen Today
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
Who did once upon the cross Alleluia!
Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia!

Hymns of praise then let us sing Alleluia!
Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia!
Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia!
Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia!

But the pains which he endured, Alleluia!
Our salvation have procured; Alleluia!
Now above the sky he's King, Alleluia!
Where the angels ever sing. Alleluia!

Praise to God the Father sing, Alleluia.
Praise to God the Son our King, Alleluia.
Praise to God the Spirit be, Alleluia.
Now and through eternity, Alleluia.
Text: Surrexit Christus Hodie; Tune: Easter Hymn with refrain; Midi: Cyberhymnal

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Ye sons and daughters, let us sing!
The King of Heav’n, the glorious King,
O’er death today rose triumphing.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
That Easter morn, at break of day,
The faithful women went their way
To seek the tomb where Jesus lay.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
An angel clad in white they see,
Who sat, and spoke unto the three,
“Your Lord doth go to Galilee.”

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
On this most holy day of days,
To God your hearts and voices raise,
In laud and jubilee and praise.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
And we with Holy Church unite,
As evermore is just and right,
In glory to the King of light.
Melody: O Filii et Filiae, with Alleluia, 17th Century French Proper Melody; Jean Tisserand, 1495

Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Christ the Lord is risen today;
Christians, haste your vows to pay;
Offer ye your praises meet
At the Paschal Victim’s feet.
For the sheep the Lamb hath bled,
Sinless in the sinner’s stead;
“Christ is risen,” today we cry;
Now He lives no more to die.

Christ, the Victim undefiled,
Man to God hath reconciled;
Whilst in strange and awful strife
Met together Death and Life:
Christians, on this happy day
Haste with joy your vows to pay;
“Christ is risen,” today we cry;
Now He lives no more to die.

Christ, who once for sinners bled,
Now the first born from the dead,
Throned in endless might and power,
Lives and reigns forevermore.
Hail, eternal Hope on high!
Hail, Thou King of victory!
Hail, Thou Prince of life adored!
Help and save us, gracious Lord.
Words: Unknown author (Victimae Paschali), 11th or 12 Century; translated from Latin to English by Jane E. Leeson in Catholic Hymns, by Henry Formby, 1853; Tune: St. George Windsor; Midi: Cyberhymnal

Daytime Prayer

Alleluia! Sing To Jesus!
Alleluia! sing to Jesus! His the scepter, His the throne.
Alleluia! His the triumph, His the victory alone.
Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion thunder like a mighty flood.
Jesus out of every nation has redeemed us by His blood.

Alleluia! not as orphans are we left in sorrow now;
Alleluia! He is near us, faith believes, nor questions how;
Though the cloud from sight received Him when the forty days were o’er
Shall our hearts forget His promise, “I am with you evermore”?

Alleluia! bread of angels, Thou on earth our food, our stay;
Alleluia! here the sinful flee to Thee from day to day:
Intercessor, Friend of sinners, Earth’s Redeemer, plead for me,
Where the songs of all the sinless sweep across the crystal sea.

Alleluia! King eternal, Thee the Lord of lords we own;
Alleluia! born of Mary, Earth Thy footstool, Heav’n Thy throne:
Thou within the veil hast entered, robed in flesh our great High Priest;
Thou on earth both priest and victim in the Eucharistic feast

Hail Thee Festival Day
Refrain: Hail thee, festival day!
Blest day that art hallowed forever;
day wherein Christ arose,
breaking the kingdom of death.

Lo, the fair beauty of earth,
from the death of the winter arising,
every good gift of the year
now with its Master returns. Refrain

He who was nailed to the Cross
is God and the Ruler of all things;
all things created on earth
worship the Maker of all. Refrain

God of all pity and power,
let thy word be assured to the doubted;
light on the third day returns:
rise, Son of God, from the tomb! Refrain

Loosen, O Lord, the enchained,
the spirits imprisoned in darkness;
rescue, recall into life those
who are rushing to death. Refrain

Rise now, O Lord, from the grave
and cast off the shroud that enwrapped thee;
thou art sufficient for us;
darkness and chaos and death
flee from the face of the light. Refrain

Words: Venantius Fortunatus (530609) (Salve festa dies toto venerabilis aevo); translated from Latin to English by Maurice F. Bell; Music: Salve Festa Dies, Ralph Vaughan Williams
Evening Prayer

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
The strife is o'er, the battle done;
Now is the Victor's triumph won;
Now be the song of praise begun.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
On the third morn He rose again
Glorious in majesty to reign;
Oh, let us swell the joyful strain!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
O risen Lord, all praise to thee,
Who from our sin has set us free,
That we may live eternally:

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Unknown author, possibly 12th Century; Music: Victory (Palestrina), Giovanni P. da Palestrina, Magnificat Tertii Toni, 1591

We Who Once Were Dead

We who once were dead
Now live, fully knowing
Jesus as our head.
Life is overflowing
When he breaks the bread.

We were lost in night,
But you sought and found us.
Give us strength to fight;
Death is all around us.
Jesus be our light.

He became our bread;
Jesus died to save us.
On him we are fed,
Eating what he gave us,
Rising from the dead.

Let us share the pain
You endured in dying;
We shall then remain
Living; Death defying,
We shall rise again.

Text: In the midst of death Tune: In the midst of death

Christ Jesus Lay In Death's Strong Bands
Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands
for our offenses given;
but now at God's right hand he stands
and brings us life from heaven;
Therefore let us joyful be,
and praise the Father thankfully
With songs of alleluia.

How long and bitter was the strife
when life and death contended;
the victory remained with life,
the reign of death was ended;
stripped of power, no more it reigns,
an empty form alone remains;
death's sting is lost for ever!

So let us keep this festival
To which our Lord invites us;
The Savior who is joy of all,
the sun that warms and lights us;
by his grace he shall impart
eternal sunshine to the heart;
the night of sin is ended.

Words: Martin Luther , 1524; trans. Richard Massie, 1854, adapted by Anthony G. Petti; Music: Christ lag in Todesbanden; Meter: 87 87 78 74; Midi: Cyberhymnal

Ad Cenam Agni Providi
(Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis, Giovanni Vianini, Milano, Italia)

AD cenam Agni providi,
stolis salutis candidi,
post transitum maris Rubri
Christo canamus principi.

Cuius corpus sanctissimum
in ara crucis torridum,
sed et cruorem roseum
gustando, Dei vivimus.

Protecti paschae vespero
a devastante angelo,
de Pharaonis aspero
sumus erepti imperio.

Iam pascha nostrum Christus est,
agnus occisus innocens;
sinceritatis azyma
qui carnem suam obtulit.

O vera, digna hostia,
per quam franguntur tartara,
captiva plebs redimitur,
redduntur vitae praemia!

Consurgit Christus tumulo,
victor redit de barathro,
tyrannum trudens vinculo
et paradisum reserans.

Esto perenne mentibus
paschale, Iesu, gaudium
et nos renatos gratiae
tuis triumphis aggrega.

Iesu, tibi sit gloria,
qui morte victa praenites,
cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
in sempiterna saecula. Amen.

THE Lamb's high banquet we await
in snow-white robes of royal state:
and now, the Red Sea's channel past,
to Christ our Prince we sing at last.

Upon the Altar of the Cross
His Body hath redeemed our loss:
and tasting of his roseate Blood,
our life is hid with Him in God.

That Paschal Eve God's arm was bared,
the devastating Angel spared:
by strength of hand our hosts went free
from Pharaoh's ruthless tyranny.

Now Christ, our Paschal Lamb, is slain,
the Lamb of God that knows no stain,
the true Oblation offered here,
our own unleavened Bread sincere.

O Thou, from whom hell's monarch flies,
O great, O very Sacrifice,
Thy captive people are set free,
and endless life restored in Thee.

For Christ, arising from the dead,
from conquered hell victorious sped,
and thrust the tyrant down to chains,
and Paradise for man regains.

We pray Thee, King with glory decked,
in this our Paschal joy, protect
from all that death would fain effect
Thy ransomed flock, Thine own elect.

To Thee who, dead, again dost live,
all glory Lord, Thy people give;
all glory, as is ever meet,
to Father and to Paraclete. Amen.

Office of Readings

Christ the Lord is Risen Today

Christ the Lord is risen today;
Christians, haste your vows to pay;
Offer ye your praises meet
At the Paschal Victim’s feet.
For the sheep the Lamb hath bled,
Sinless in the sinner’s stead;
“Christ is risen,” today we cry;
Now He lives no more to die.

Christ, the Victim undefiled,
Man to God hath reconciled;
Whilst in strange and awful strife
Met together Death and Life:
Christians, on this happy day
Haste with joy your vows to pay;
“Christ is risen,” today we cry;
Now He lives no more to die.

Christ, who once for sinners bled,
Now the first born from the dead,
Throned in endless might and power,
Lives and reigns forevermore.
Hail, eternal Hope on high!
Hail, Thou King of victory!
Hail, Thou Prince of life adored!
Help and save us, gracious Lord.

Words: Unknown author (Victimae Paschali), 11th or 12 Century; translated from Latin to English by Jane E. Leeson in Catholic Hymns, by Henry Formby, 1853

The Day of Resurrection

The day of resurrection! Earth, spread the news abroad;
The Paschal feast of gladness, the Paschal feast of God.
From death to life eternal, from earth to heaven's height,
Our Savior Christ has brought us, the glorious Lord of Light.

Our hearts be free from evil, that we may see aright
The Savior resurrected in his eternal light,
And hear his message plainly, delivered calm and clear:
"Rejoice with me in triumph; Be glad and do not fear."

His love is everlasting; His mercies never cease;
The resurrected Savior, will all our joys increase.
He'll keep us in his favor, supply the holy grace
to all his pilgrim people who seek his heavenly place.

Now let the heavens be joyful, and earth the song begin.
The whole world keep high triumph, and all that is therein.
Let all things in creation their notes of gladness blend,
For Christ the Lord is risen, our joy that hath no end.

Words: John Mason Neale; Melody: Ellacombe.; Midi: Cyberhymnal

The English translation of Psalm Responses, Alleluia Verses, Gospel Verses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL); the English translation of Antiphons, Invitatories, Responsories, Intercessions, Psalm 95, the Canticle of the Lamb, Psalm Prayers, Non-Biblical Readings from The Liturgy of the Hours © 1973, 1974, 1975, ICEL; excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.


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