Daytime Prayer
Common of Virgins

Psalms may be taken from the Psalms of the Day or from the Complementary Psalter.
For the gradual psalms, in place of psalm 122, Psalm 129 may be said; and in place of psalm 127, Psalm 131 may be said

Terce        Sext        None

Terce (Mid Morning)

What joy to be near to my God, to place all my trust in the Lord (alleluia)


I knew I could not otherwise possess her except God gave it - and this, too, was prudence, to know whose is the gift. - Wisdom 8:21a

This is the wise virgin (alleluia).
     - The Lord found her ready for the marriage feast (alleluia).

Sext (Noon)
Uphold me Lord accroding to your promise, and I shall live; let my hope in you not be in vain (alleluia).


With respect to virgins, I have not eceived any commandment from the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy. - 1 Corinthians 7:25

This is a wise virgin (alleluia).
     - She was among those prepared for the Lord's coming (alleluia).

None (Mid Afternoon)
How beautiful are those whose purity of life in acclaimed (alleluia).


The Lord is king,
  our God, the Almighty!
Let us rejoice and be glad,
and give him glory!
For this is the wedding day of the Lamb;
his bride has prepared herself for the wedding.
- Revelation 6b-7

I found him who I love (alleluia).
     - I held him fast, I would not leave him (alleluia).


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