Petitions for the Day of Pentecost

Presider or deacon
The Spirit of God aids us in our weakness
and teaches us to pray.
In the power of the Spirit let us offer prayers to God
for the needs, concerns, and hopes of all the world.

Deacon or other leader
For peace from on high and for our salvation.

For the peace of the whole world,
for the welfare of the holy churches of God,
and for the unity of all.

For this holy gathering
and for those who enter with faith, reverence, and fear of God.

For the newly baptized illumined by the light of Christ.

For N our bishop and the presbyters,
the deacons and all who minister in Christ,
and for all the holy people of God.

For the world and its leaders, our nation and its people.

For all those in need,
the suffering and the oppressed,
travelers and prisoners, the dying and the dead.

For ourselves, our families, and those we love.

Remembering our most glorious and blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints,
let us offer ourselves and one another to the living God through Christ.
To you, O Lord.

Blessed are you, O Lord our God,
who transforms our lives and makes us new.
Hear our prayers which we offer in confidence
and breathe upon us with your Holy Spirit.
Glory to you for ever and ever.



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