Leader:Holy Virgin Mary,
All: among the women born into the world,
there is no one like you.
Daughter and servant
of the most high and supreme King
and of the Father in heaven,
Mother of our most holy Lord Jesus Christ,
Spouse of the Holy Spirit,
pray for us
with Saint Michael the Archangel,
all the powers of heaven, and all the saints,
at the side of your most holy beloved Son, our Lord and Teacher.
St. Francis: Antiphon from the Office of the Passion
Leader: You are all fair, O Mary.
Day 1 - Nov. 29 |
Day 4 - Dec. 2 |
Day 7 - Dec. 5 |
Day 2 - Nov. 30 |
Day 5 - Dec. 3 |
Day 8 - Dec. 6 |
Day 3 - Dec. 1 |
Day 6 - Dec. 4 |
Day 9 - Dec. 7 |
Prayers of St Francis
Leader: Hail, O Lady,
All: Holy Queen, Mary, holy Mother of God, who are the Virgin made Church, chosen by the most Holy Father in heaven consecrated by Him with His most holy beloved Son and with the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, on you descended and in you still remains all fullness of grace and every good.
Hail His Palace!
Hail His Tabernacle!
Hail His Dwelling!
Hail His Robe!
Hail His Servant!
Hail His Mother!
Salutation of Our Lady
Hail Advocate of the Poor!The Remembrance of the Desire of a Soulby Thomas of Celano, Chapter CL, #198
Office of the Blessed Virgin
Petition of Blessed John Duns Scotus
You are elect, like the sun;
you are beautiful, like the moon;
you are a light never failing,
never wanting, never weakening.
O Immaculate Conception! Amen.
Prayer of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe
All: We kneel before your throne of love and mercy.
We consecrate our beloved Order to your Immaculate Heart.
Leader: We publicly profess:
All: That we truly wish to follow the example of our seraphic father Francis.
We consecrate ourselves to you wholly and without reserve.
Leader: Immaculate Heart of our Mother and Queen,
we lovingly place in your hands,
our heart, our body, and our soul.
We profess solemnly and with childlike love:
All: That you are our Lady and our Queen.
To you we belong all together.
To you we give ourselves with all that we are
and all that we have,
our spiritual blessings and our temporal goods.
We entrust ourselves entirely to your care.
This we do for the greater honor of God,
for the prosperity of holy Mother Church,
and for the welfare of our Holy Father, N…
Leader: We consign and consecrate to you:
All:Our words and actions, our prayers and sufferings,
our acts of penance and of love,
our apostolic works and trials,
the smallest duties of our state of life.
Leader: May all of it be directed and guided by you,
so that throughout the world
there may be renewed and strengthened,
the kingdom of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus:
the kingdom of truth and life,
the kingdom of holiness and grace,
the kingdom of justice, charity, and peace.
Leader: We consecrate to you:
All: Our ministers, guardians, and directors,
the novices and candidates,
and all our brothers and sisters in the entire Franciscan family,
so that they may be strengthened by God's grace,
to remain full of zeal and true to their vocation until death.
Leader: Immaculate Heart of Mary:
All: Make holy and perfect all the members of our Order.
Leader:Immaculate Heart, full of burning love:
All: Fill our hearts with the glow of seraphic love.
Leader:Obedient Heart of Mary:
All: Help us faithfully keep the commandments of God, and the precepts of our holy Rule. Amen.
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