Saint Joseph was a just man,
A man of upright life;
Our Lord’s kind foster father
Took Mary as his wife.
He knew the pain of exile
In far Egyptian land.
Obedient, kind and faithful
He followed God’s command.
As head of God’s own family,
Saint Joseph is renowned;
He searched the ancient city,
Until his child was found.
All honor to Saint Joseph,
Whose merits we acclaim!
God bless each home and family
In good Saint Joseph’s name.
St. Joseph, great protector
of Jesus Christ our Lord,
O holy man of justice,
We sing with one accord,
Extolling you with praises
for virtue strong and bold,
For faith which still amazes
Each time the story’s told.
St. Joseph, you were gifted
To be Our Lady’s spouse;
In manly joy you lifted
The Christ-child in your house!
When you were given warning
of troubled days ahead,
You yielded not to mourning,
But trusted God instead.
St. Joseph through your labor
In simple, honest care,
Your love for God and neighbor
Is great beyond compare!
O holy Spouse of Mary,
Protector of our Lord,
Help us our cross to carry,
And share your great reward!
O Joseph, mighty patron,
Your love and strength bestow
Upon a pilgrim people
Who are the Church below.
You were the Father’s image,
Great prince of David’s line;
Obtain for us God’s blessing
That we may be his sign.
Great Saint, you cherished Mary,
Who loved and cared for you;
You taught and nurtured Jesus,
Oh teach us to be true,
True to the Church he founded,
Until we form above
A family united
In bonds of lasting love.
Hail, holy Joseph, Hail,
Chaste Spouse of Mary, Hail!
Pure as the lily flower
In Eden’s peaceful vale.
Hail, holy Joseph, hail,
Prince of the house of God.
May His best graces be
By thy sweet hands bestowed.
Hail, holy Joseph, hail,
Comrade of angels, hail!
Cheer thou the hearts that faint,
And guide the steps that fail.
Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
God’s choice were thou alone.
To thee the Word made flesh
Was subject as a son.
Great St. Joseph, son of David,
Spouse of Mary undefiled;
Guardian of the Holy Family,
Father of the Holy Child.
God presented thee with blessings,
Glorified thy life obscure;
Made thee guardian of all virgins,
Consolation of the poor.
Ornament of life domestic,
Model for the toiler’s day;
Hope of all the sick and weary,
In the hour of death our stay.
Great protector universal
Of the Church, we thee acclaim.
Hear our prayers, O great St. Joseph,
When we call upon thy name.
Clasped in Jesus’ arms and Mary’s,
When death gently came at last,
Thy pure spirit sweetly sighing,
From its earthly dwelling passed.
Great St. Joseph, by thy passing,
May our death be like to thine.
And with Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
May our souls forever shine.
Look Down To Us St. Joseph
Look down to us, Saint Joseph,
Protector of Our Lord,
Who followed you through deserts,
And gave you blessed reward;
Our foes are yet about us,
Be strength now at our side,
Be light against the darkness.
Saint Joseph, be our guide!
We venerate your justice,
The gospels praise your name,
You are the saint all humble,
Who gained eternal fame;
In your devoted family
Our souls in trust confide,
Direct our way to heaven.
Saint Joseph, be our guide.
Joseph of Nazareth, you are the man
Last in the line that rose from David, King,
Down through the royal generations ran,
And ends with Jesus Christ.
Gabriel from heaven came to Mary's side,
Came with the joyful promise of a King,
Came to you also, Joseph, to confide
That God conceived this Child.
Guardian and foster-father of the Christ,
Honor to you, so chosen by our God!
Husband of Virgin Mary, you are first
To show us Christian love.
text: Stephen Sommerville, 1972
But when with grief you saw your spouse about to bear,
you were oppressed with doubt and filled with wond'ring care;
at length the angel's word your anxious heart relieved:
she by the Spirit has conceived.
You with your newborn Lord sought out far Egypt's land,
as fugitives you fled over the desert sand.
The Lord, while lost a while, is in the temple found,
while tears are shed and joys abound.
O Holy Trinity, your suppliant servants spare;
grant us to rise to heaven uphelp by Joseph's prayer,
and so our grateful hearts to you shall ever raise
exulting canticles of praise.
Joseph, whose glory fills the Church with praises,
spouse of the Virgin, Jesus' foster father,
from the Almighty came your high vocation,
best of protectors.
When the Redeemer, whom the prophets' chorus
long had predicted, lay within the manger,
glad was your spirit, while in adoration
lowly you knelt there.
He who as King reigns over all creation
(feared in the deepest, worshipped in the highest)
veiling his Godhead, humbly gave obedience
to do your bidding.
We praise with fervor God the One and Trinal,
who has endowed you with his grace so bounteous;
oh may he grant us, hearing your petition,
joys everlasting!
Holy Joseph, Intercessor
Unto thee God’s children sing;
Be our Patron and Protector,
To God’s throne our praises bring.
Faithful Spouse of faithful Virgin,
Lover of God’s purity;
From thy worthy place in heaven,
Pray that we may faithful be.
Guardian of the Word Incarnate,
Silent guide of God’s own Son;
Guard our hearts and lead us onward
To the life that Christ has won.
Humble man in lofty station,
God has shed His grace on thee;
Pray such grace to us be given,
That we live eternally.
Text: Fr. Christopher G. Phillips, 1991
Music: "Stuttgart" adapted by C. F. Witt, 1715
Joseph, the praise and glory of the heavens, Sure pledge of life, and safety of the wide world, As in our joy we sing to thee, in kindness, List to our praises. Thou by the world's Creator wert appointed When the Redeemer, whom the Prophets' chorus God, King of kings, and Governor of the ages, Praise to the Triune Godhead everlasting, |
Cælitum Joseph, decus atque nostræ Te Sator rerum státuit pudícæ Tu Redemptórem stábulo jacéntem, Rex Deus regum, Dominátor orbis, Laus sit excélsæ Tríadi perénnis, |
O Joseph, spouse so pure of that immortal bride How once at God's behest an Angel came to bring How with thy new-born Lord and Mary thou didst flee; Not till death's hour is past do other men obtain O Holy Trinity, thy suppliant servants spare; |
Te, Joseph, célebrent ágmina cælitum, Almo cum túmidam gérmine cónjugem Tu natum Dóminum stringis, ad éxteras Post mortem réliquos sors pia cónsecrat, Nobis, summa Trias, parce precántibus, |
He, whom the faithful joyously do honour, How highly favoured! how exceeding blissful! Death was but conquest over earthly bondage, There, as he reigneth, earnestly beseech we, One in Three Persons, Godhead great and glorious |
Iste, quem læti cólimus, fidéles, O nimis felix, nimis o beátus, Hinc stygis victor, láqueo solútus Ergo regnántem flagitémus omnes, Sint tibi plausus, tibi sint honóres, |
Saints |