The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
Monday after Pentecost
Erant discipuli perseverantes unanimiter in oratione cum Maria, matre Iesu.
The disciples devoted themselves with one accord to prayer
with Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Deus, misericordiarum Pater, cuius Unigenitus, cruci affixus, beatam Mariam Virginem, Genetricem suam, Matrem quoque nostram constituit, concede, quaesumus, ut, eius cooperante caritate, Ecclesia tua, in dies fecundior, prolis sanctitate exsultet et in gremium suum cunctas attrahat familias populorum.
O God, Father of mercies,
whose Only Begotten Son, as he hung upon the Cross,
chose the Blessed Virgin Mary, his Mother,
to be our Mother also,
grant, we pray, that with her loving help
your Church may be more fruitful day by day
and, exulting in the holiness of her children,
may draw to her embrace all the families of the peoples.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity
of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
FIRST READING Genesis 3:9-15, 20 (Alternate Reading: Acts 1:12-14)
After Adam had eaten of the tree,
the LORD God called to him and asked him, "Where are you?"
He answered, "I heard you in the garden;
but I was afraid, because I was naked,
so I hid myself."
Then he asked, "Who told you that you were naked?
You have eaten, then,
from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat!"
The man replied, "The woman whom you put here with me—
she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it."
The LORD God then asked the woman,
"Why did you do such a thing?"
The woman answered, "The serpent tricked me into it, so I ate it."
Then the LORD God said to the serpent:
"Because you have done this, you shall be banned
from all the animals
and from all the wild creatures;
On your belly shall you crawl,
and dirt shall you eat
all the days of your life.
I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
He will strike at your head,
while you strike at his heel."
The man called his wife Eve,
because she became the mother of all the living.
Or: Acts 1:12-14
After Jesus had been taken up to heaven,
the Apostles returned to Jerusalem
from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem,
a sabbath day's journey away.
When they entered the city
they went to the upper room where they were staying,
Peter and John and James and Andrew,
Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew,
James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot,
and Judas son of James.
All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer,
together with some women,
and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.
RESPONSORIAL PSALMPs 87:1-2, 3 and 5, 6-7
Gloriosa dicta sunt de te, civitas Dei!
R. (3) Glorious things are told of you, O city of God.
His foundation upon the holy mountains
the LORD loves:
The gates of Zion,
more than any dwelling of Jacob.
R. Glorious things are told of you, O city of God.
Glorious things are said of you,
O city of God!
And of Zion they shall say:
"One and all were born in her;
And he who has established her
is the Most High LORD."
R. Glorious things are told of you, O city of God.
They shall note, when the peoples are enrolled:
"This man was born there."
And all shall sing, in their festive dance:
"My home is within you."
R. Glorious things are told of you, O city of God.
O felix Virgo quae Dominum genuisti;
o beata Mater Ecclesia:,
quae in nobis foves Spiritum
Filii tui Iesu Christi!
O happy Virgin, you gave birth to the Lord;
O blessed mother of the Church,
you warm our hearts with the Spirit of your Son Jesus Christ.
GOSPELJohn 19:25-34
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother
and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary of Magdala.
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved,
he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son."
Then he said to the disciple,
"Behold, your mother."
And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
After this, aware that everything was now finished,
in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled,
Jesus said, "I thirst."
There was a vessel filled with common wine.
So they put a sponge soaked in wine on a sprig of hyssop
and put it up to his mouth.
When Jesus had taken the wine, he said,
"It is finished."
And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.
Now since it was preparation day,
in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath,
for the sabbath day of that week was a solemn one,
the Jews asked Pilate that their legs be broken
and they be taken down.
So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first
and then of the other one who was crucified with Jesus.
But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead,
they did not break his legs,
but one soldier thrust his lance into his side,
and immediately Blood and water flowed out.
Suscipe, Domine, oblationes nostras et in mysterium salutis converte, cuius virtute et caritate Virginis Mariae, Ecclesiae Matris, inflammemur et operi redemptionis cum ea arctius sociari mereamur.
Receive our offerings, O Lord,
and transform them into the mystery of salvation,
so that by its power we may be set aflame
with the charity of the Virgin Mary,
Mother of the Church,
and with her may be united more closely
to the work of redemption.
Through Christ our Lord.
PREFACEMary, Model and Mother of the Church
Vere dignum et iustum est, aequum et salutare, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere: Domine, sancte Pater, omnipotens aeterne Deus: Et te in celebratione beatae Mariae Virginis debitis magnificare praeconiis. Quae Verbum tuum immaculato corde suscipiens virgineo meruit sinu concipere atque, pariens Conditorem, Ecclesiae fovit exordia. Quae iuxta crucem testamentum divinae caritatis accipiens, universos homines in filios assumpsit, Christi morte ad supernam vitam generatos. Quae, cum Apostoli Promissum exspectarent tuum, supplicationem suam discipulorum precibus iungens, exemplar exstitit orantis Ecclesiae. Ad gloriam autem evecta caelorum, Ecclesiam peregrinantem materno prosequitur amore eiusque gressus ad patriam tuetur benigna, donec dies Domini gloriosus adveniat. Et ideo cum Sanctis et Angelis universis te collaudamus, sine fine dicentes: Sanctus.
It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
and to proclaim your greatness with due praise,
as we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Receiving your Word in her Immaculate Heart,
she was found worthy to conceive him
in her virgin’s womb
and, giving birth to the Creator,
she nurtured the beginnings of the Church.
Standing beside the Cross,
she received the testament of divine love
and took to herself as sons and daughters
all those who by the Death of Christ
are born to heavenly life.
As the Apostles awaited the Spirit you had promised,
she joined her supplication to the prayers of the disciples
and so became the pattern of the Church at prayer.
Raised to the glory of heaven,
she accompanies your pilgrim Church
with a mother’s love
and watches in kindness over the Church’s
homeward steps,
until the Lord’s Day shall come in glorious splendor.
And so, with all the Angels and Saints,
we praise you, as without end we acclaim: Holy...
Nuptiae factae sunt in Cana Galilaeae, et erat mater Iesu ibi; tunc fecit initium signorum Iesus et manifestavit gloriam suam, et crediderunt in eum discipuli eius.
A wedding was held in Cana of Galilee,
and the mother of
Jesus was there;
then Jesus performed the first of his signs
and manifested his glory,
and his disciples believed in him.
Or:Cf. Jn 19:26-27
Ex cruce pendens dixit Iesus discipulo, quem diligebat: Ecce mater tua.
As he hung upon the cross,
Jesus said to the disciple whom
he loved:
Behold your mother.
Sumpto, Domine, pignore redemptionis et vitae, supplices adprecamur, ut Ecclesia tua, materna Virginis ope, et Evangelii praeconio universas gentes erudiat et Spiritus effusione orbem terrarum adimpleat.
Having received the pledge of redemption and of life,
we humbly pray, O Lord,
that, with the Blessed Virgin’s motherly help,
your Church may teach all nations
by proclaiming the Gospel
and, through the grace of the outpouring of the Spirit,
fill the whole earth.
Through Christ our Lord.