How to pray the Chaplet of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
This Chaplet has a Medal of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and 3 sets of 3 beads as follows: Medal + 3 + 3 + 3.
Begin with the following two prayers:
"O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel,
Blessed Mother of the Son of God,
assist me in this necessity.
O Immaculate Virgin and Star of the Sea,
help me and show me
that you are my mother and protector."
"O Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
Queen of heaven and earth.
I humbly beseech you
from the bottom of my heart
to help me in my needs
for there are none
who can withstand your grace.
Pray for me and help me
to obtain assistance in this life.
On the 3 sets of 3 beads, say:
3 Our Father,
3 Hail Mary and
3 Glory be.
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