St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe Priest and Martyr The Martyr of Auschwitz August 14 |
Chaplet for Maximilian Kolbe Kolbe's Rule of Life Novena for St. Maximilian Kolbe National Shrine of Maximilian Kolbe Homily of John Paul II at Maximilian Kolbe's canonization Hagiographies Catholic Saints Info Francsican Media Memorial Bench Catholic Culture Jewish Virtual Library |
Gracious God, you filled your priest and martyr, Saint Maximillian Kolbe, with zeal for souls and love for his neighbor. Through the prayer of this devoted servant of Mary Immaculate, grant that in our efforts to serve others for your glory we too may become like Christ your Son, who loved his own in the world even to the end, and now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.