This Chaplet has a Cross, 1 set of 9 beads and a Medal of Saint Jude. Example: Cross + 9 + Medal.
On the cross, say the following prayer:
Saint Jude,
glorious Apostle,
faithful servant and friend of Jesus,
the name of the traitor has caused you
to be forgotten by many,
but the true Church invokes you universally
as the Patron of things despaired of;
pray for me,
that finally I may receive the consolations
and the succor of Heaven
in all my necessities,
tribulations and sufferings,
particularly... (State your intention here.)
and that I may bless God
with the Elect throughout Eternity.
On each of the 9 beads, pray the following:
One Hail Mary and the following invocation:
Saint Jude,
Apostle martyr
and relative of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Mary and of Joseph,
intercede for us.
At the end of the Chaplet, say the following prayers:
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
be adored, and loved
in all the tabernacles until the end of time.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus
be praised and glorified now and forever.
Saint Jude pray for us and hear our prayers.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Blessed be Saint Jude Thaddaeus,
in all the world and for all Eternity.
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