Prayer in Great Affliction
St. Jude Thaddeus,
relative of Jesus Christ,
glorious Apostle and martyr,
renowned for your virtues and miracles,
faithful and prompt intercessor of all who honor you and trust in you!
You are a powerful patron and helper in great afflictions.
I entreat you from the depths of my heart;
come to my aid with your powerful intercession,
for you have received from God
the privilege to assist with your visible help
those who almost despair of all hope.
Look down upon me.
Time and again I find myself discouraged
and depressed by the troubles I must face.
I know that others around me have burdens
as heavy or heavier than mine
but I sometimes come close to despairing
that I will be able to continue carrying mine.
Overwhelmed by these thoughts, I ask your help.
Do not forsake me in my sadness.
Hasten to my aid.
I will be grateful to you all my life
and will honor you as my special patron.
I will than God for the graces bestowed upon you,
and will encourage honor to you to best of my ability.
Let Us Pray
Glorious Apostle and martyr,
St. Jude Thaddeus,
whose life and accomplishments we celebrate
and who used your gifts and talents
to bring Christ's love to many people,
pray for us today
that the love of Christ in our lives may increase.
Pray that we may renounce every sinful habit
and refrain from all selfish actions.
May we always know your intercession in danger and difficulty,
and may we safely reach heaven to adore with you
the most Holy Trinity,
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
forever and ever.
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