Apostles October 28 ___________________ Readings Mass Liturgy of the Hours Morning Prayer Daytime Prayer Evening Prayer Office of Readings Episcopal Readings Sermon of Benedict XVI Devotion to St. Jude Chaplet of St. Jude Litany of St. Jude #1 Litany of St. Jude #2 Litany of St. Jude #3 Novena to St. Jude #1 Novena to St. Jude #2 Novena to St. Jude #3 Novena to St. Jude #4 Novena to St. Jude #5 Hagiographies Orthodox Life of St. Simon Mystagogy - Simon Franciscan Media James Keifer Catholic Culture The Golden Legend Catholic Saints Info - Simon Catholic Saints Info - Jude |
Father, you revealed yourself to us through the preaching of your apostles Simon and Jude. By their prayers, give your Church continued growth and increase the number of those who believe in you. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.